In an effort to ensure that you receive timely and relevant product news and updates from AngelPoints, we've given AngelPointers a new look and direction. AngelPointers will now be emailed to clients one to two times per month as we release new features, and will be cross-posted here on the AngelPoints blog. Typically, you will find brief updates in your email version and more in-depth coverage online.
We are also launching a new website and user Help system early next year. AngelPointers will tie into our product blog on the website, giving you the option of subscribing to an RSS feed for the all the latest about our products and services as well as trends in volunteerism and corporate social responsibility. You'll find complete user documentation in the new Help system, and each release will include release notes directing you to changes in the product.
Please let us know what you think by dropping us a line at marketing AT angelpoints DOT com.
Sneak Preview of Rewards
AngelPoints is preparing to start beta testing its new Rewards module in the beginning of January. The initial release of this module will allow you recognize and reward employee volunteers through grant programs, and a subsequent release will add a merchandise rewards catalog. Volunteers will be able to see rewards for which they are eligible at a glance, as well as peruse the full catalog.
If you would like to beta test the rewards module, please email Angie Schiavoni , Director of Product, at beta AT angelpoints DOT com.
CRA Task List
Many of our clients who use the CRA module have asked for a way to go straight to the task list without hitting the CRA dashboard. Starting December 17, your CRA landing page will be your task list.
News From the Ideas Portal
We'd like to thank everyone who has added ideas and comments to the Ideas Portal since it's launch last month. The Ideas Portal allows select system managers from each company to provide feedback and post ideas on AngelPoints, and we'll keep you updated on the progress of ideas posted. There are currently almost 40 ideas on the portal and we have already added several items to our product roadmap based on your feedback, including showing users that an event is full, better management of shifts within an activity, and the inclusion of flexible opportunities in event searches and event listings on the home page. Please keep the great ideas coming.